Measure Twice, Cut Once: Sewing is STEAM

Measure Twice, Cut Once:

Sewing is STEAM 


Measure Twice, Cut Once is a phrase I use on a regular basis with all of my students. As someone who has been known to jump into new projects and tasks head first and with both feet, it’s a phrase I’ve had to remind myself of. One activity in particular, though, has taught me the value of measuring twice and cutting once, both literally and figuratively: sewing.

LED Plushy Class @ Design Hive

LED Plushy Class @ Design Hive

Sewing and STEAM

Science: What materials make up fabric, and how do those materials affect how our projects are made?

Technology: What tools do we use to complete our projects? Technology can be as complicated as a fully programmable sewing machine to simple tools like needles or buttons. Conductive thread and sewable circuits are readily available and incorporate technology into our sewing projects like never before!

Engineering: Sewing requires you to take your materials, make a plan, and follow a series of steps to complete your project. Your plan can be a simple hand-drawn picture or complex, pre-made pattern- like a blueprint!

Art: Design is an integral part of sewing. Students can use their art and design skills to choose colors, patterns, threads, and accessories.

Math: Measure twice, cut once! We use math all the time in sewing (and cooking) in practical ways. We use fractions and geometry to plan, design, and assess our projects.

Benefits of Sewing

Development of Hand-Eye Coordination

Children often struggle to do precise work with their hands, especially work that requires small or repetitive movements. This is normal when they're small, but fine motor skills that are left undeveloped could cause problems when they are writing, playing, or using tools.

Sewing requires gentle and precise hand movements. Kids who practice sewing will know how to use their fingers properly, how to move their hands with precision, and how to hold and use small items with ease. The best part is that you can teach them hand sewing with just a needle, thread and a piece of fabric.  


Confidence, Persistence, and Patience


Learning a new skill and gradually mastering it can greatly improve self-confidence. They will have to work through their frustrations, but once they realize that they have created something on their own, their sense of accomplishment will help them to build their self-confidence. Projects like sewing require children to follow a specific set of directions and employ exact skills.